July has been a busy month for CPI in Japan.

Benchmarking Project
The CPI team worked with the Japanese Federal Meat Academy (FMA) to complete the second Competitive Benchmarking project of this year. Benchmarking projects continue to evolve based on input from participating members and the marketing trends that drive the imported pork business in Japan. Currently, two more projects are scheduled for 2014. The next project will be sponsored by CPI and will focus on frozen imports from the EU and other suppliers of interest to our members.

“The frozen category traditionally has not been a focus for benchmarking projects but market conditions are changing in Japan and we now see lower cost frozen products being merchandised in traditional retail table meat market segments,” says Michael Young, CPI’s Vice President Technical Programs and Marketing Services. “It’s important that we know how these products compare to chilled pork in the marketplace in terms of workmanship, yield, shrink, meat quality, shelf life, value and financial performance.”

This information will be made available to CPI members with an interest in the Japanese marketplace.

Canadian Pork Presentation to FMA Students
CPI Japan Marketing Director Shoji Nomura gave a two-hour presentation to 30 students at the Federal Meat Academy in Japan’s Gunma Prefecture on July 11.

The presentation included an overview of the import pork market, the advantages of Canadian pork and the Canadian industry’s advanced food safety and pork quality assurance systems.

The Canadian pork lecture was a new class requested by Federal Meat Academy and will be presented each year. While students learn meat technical skills and meat sciences at FMA, the academy wanted to add more education around the international meat industry.

These presentations offer CPI an opportunity to educate and inform those working in the meat trade about the high quality pork products available from Canada, as well providing an overview of the world meat industry.

Canadian Pork Regional Seminar
CPI Japan recently presented its 14th Canadian Pork Regional Seminar in Morioka.

Participants included 60 people from the food service, distributor, retail and consumer food industries.

The program included CPI Japan Marketing Director Shoji Nomura giving a presentation on the Canadian pork industry and Canadian pork advantage including information about the new mandatory Pig Trace Canada program (effective July 2014). CPI invited Mr. Takahashi, a local meat consultant to speak about the relationship between future imported pork market conditions and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The program also included CPI’s Vice President Michael Young demonstrating North American style pork cooking methods.

After the seminar, a tasting reception was held where participants enjoyed14 different Canadian pork dishes.

Canadian pork regional seminars will be held in Hiroshima in October and in Okinawa in November.

Pork Seminar in Tokyo
Tatsumi, located in Tokyo, is a hotel and restaurant food and wine supplier. Their goal is to increase meat sales and in support of that, CPI conducted a Canadian pork seminar and tasting session at their office. Fifteen sales personnel participated in the session where representatives from CPI’s Japan office along with Global Vision introduced Canadian chilled pork loin and milk fed pork.

World Parents and Children Cooking Grand Prix
CPI supported the 22nd Annual World Parents and Children Cooking Grand Prix event, which provided an opportunity to promote Canadian pork. The event, which took place on July 27, will be aired on TV Osaka later in August.

Competitors worked with food items that included Canadian pork, a popular brand of rice and local vegetables. CPI Vice President Michael Young was a judge in the competition; the winners were from Osaka, a team of a 7-year-old girl (the youngest competitor) and her grandmother.

Canadian Pork Seminar and Chef’s Dinner
CPI sponsored a Canadian Pork Seminar and Chef’s Dinner at the Agorazion Restaurant in Osaka on July 28. The event featured a presentation of the benefits and attributes of Canadian pork by CPI Japan’s Shoji Nomura. CPI Vice President Michael Young then introduced Canadian chilled pork loin, with a discussion of product quality and a demonstration of stuffed pork loin. The presentation was followed by a French-style dinner featuring stuffed pork, specially created by the restaurant’s Chef for this event.

Over 85 people attended the event, which presented an opportunity to speak to consumers directly about the quality of Canadian pork. Guests were also provided with information on where to purchase Canadian pork in Osaka.

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Canada Pork International
220 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 900
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 5Z9
T +613 236 9886
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E cpi@canadapork.com