The last three months have been relatively quiet on the market access front. The good news however is Russia’s recent lifting of the suspension of a few Canadian plants. That, along with the ongoing discussions between the Canadian and Russian Veterinary Services lead us to believe that following the Russian visit (tentatively scheduled for the end of October) most Canadian plants, if not all of them, that meet Russian import requirements will be able to export to that country by the end of the year.

It is also expected that Canada and the EU could finalize a comprehensive trade agreement in the next few months. Once it is announced, CPI will work with its members to investigate potential opportunities and the means to take advantage of them.

Negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership and for a Canada-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement are ongoing and CPI will continue to cooperate with the Canadian Meat Council and the Canadian Pork Council to seek the best outcome for our industry.

Access to foreign markets remains CPI’s top priority and for that purpose CPI continues to work on all market access issues that are brought to its attention and to investigate market opportunities that could arise from the evolving world pork market trade. Please contact us should you come across any issue that hinders access to markets if you believe that CPI could be of any assistance.
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Canada Pork International
220 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 900
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 5Z9
T +613 236 9886
F +613 236 6658